After a successful technical session (more than 30 participants!) at World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2016, I plan to organize another technical session titled CFD Applications in Water and Wastewater Engineering at World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2017 which to be held in Sacramento, CA, May 21-25, 2017. If you are conducting research in the area of CFD applications in water, wastewater and stormwater treatment or water supply or distribution, please consider submitting an abstract to this session. More information about the conference will be available at the conference website http://www.ewricongress.org/
As part of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2016 in West Palm Beach Florida (May 22-26), I am organizing a new technical session titled CFD Applications in Water and Wastewater Engineering. If you are conducting research in this subject area, please consider submitting and abstract for presentation at the conference.
The ASCE deadline for abstract submission has extended to October 16th. Abstracts should be submitted electronically through the conference website (http://www.ewricongress.org/). I look forward to meeting you in West Palm Beach! We have established an ASCE EWRI task committee on Computational Fluid Dynamics Applications in Water and Wastewater Treatment, aiming to provide civil and environmental engineers guidance on when and how to use computational fluid dynamics in solving fluids-related problems in water and wastewater treatment. This committee is a part of Water Supply, Treatment and Distribution Engineering Committee and Water, Wastewater & Stormwater Council of ASCE.
To date this committee consists of 26 members from 14 states in U.S. and 3 other countries (Canada, UK, Iraq). If you are interested in joining this committee, please send an email including the information of your current affiliation, current and previous ASCE EWRI committee service, how you can contribute to this committee, and a copy of your resume or CV to [email protected]. http://www.asce.org/templates/membership-communities-committee-detail.aspx?committeeid=000010472637 I am developing a new task committee on Manual of Practice for Computational Fluid Dynamics Applications in Water and Wastewater Treatment. This task committee will be a part of Water Supply, Treatment and Distribution Engineering committee, Water, Wastewater & Stormwater Council, EWRI, ASCE.
This task committee aims to provide environmental engineers guidance on when and how to use computational fluid dynamics in solving fluids-related problems in water and wastewater treatment. If you are interested in joining this task committee, please contact me by sending email to [email protected] |